
Crossword Lovers: A Short Story

#personal project#graphic design#writing#InDesign#
Crossword Lovers logo

Crossword Lovers is a short story and accompanying crossword puzzle, both created by Jill Marbach. Read as two people fall for one another while they complete a crossword, and t…

Girlfriends: A Short Story

#personal project#graphic design#writing#Photoshop#InDesign#Illustrator#After Effects#Premiere Pro#video
Girlfriends: A Short Story by Jill Marbach

Girlfriends is a short story about two women who match on a dating app - one who thinks she’s swiping for friends and the other who’s looking for love. Want…

LGBTQ+ Fall Fest Flyer

#Personal project#Illustrator#design
LGBTQ+ fall fest flyer

This flyer was created to promote a community fall festival event. It was shared digitally and printed and posted around town. Made with Illustrator

Various Invitations

#Personal project#design#Photoshop#Illustrator#wedding#event
Save the date

invitation Bridal Shower Invite These invitations were designed for email and print for various events. Made using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

The Monster Project Recreation

#Personal project#graphic design#Illustrator
Kid art monster

Based on the Monster Project, I took a children’s drawing and recreated it in my own style. Made using Illustrator

Jill Marbach Logo Animations

#Personal project#design#logo#animation#gif#illustrator#animate
Outline animation

Rainbow animation Full name animation As a project to work on my animation skills, I created three different animations for my person logo. Made using Adobe Animate

Vogel Lab Logo Design

#Freelance project#logo#graphic design#Illustrator
Vogel Lab logo

Vogel Lab twitter banner This logo was created for the Dr. Tiphanie Vogel Lab at Baylor University, which researches rare immune diseases. The symbol within the logo design is an antib…

LFI Logo Design

#Freelance project#logo#graphic design#Illustrator
LFI logo

This logo was created for a software project, a lazy functional iteration library supporting sync, async, and concurrent iteration. Made for a freelance client using Illustrator

The Best of Our Nest Logo Design

#Freelance project#Illustrator#graphic design#logo
The Best of Our Nest Logo

This logo was created for a finance and homemaking blog, The Best of Our Nest. Made for a freelance client using Illustrator

Mildred J. Hamilton Marketing Materials

#Logo#graphic design#business cards#website#web design#Illustrator#HTML#CSS#law
MJH logo

Business card Marketing materials Contact page screenshot I was hired to design the logo, business cards, letterhead, and website for a local attorney, Mildred J. Hamilton. The designs are p…

Spotify Playlist Covers

#Personal project#design#Photoshop#Illustrator#Spotify
we're NOT dating playlist cover

Is Pop Punk Cool Again? Taylor Swift Playlist Cover Women with feelings playlist cover Jack Antonoff cover Steven Universe Playlist cover Good vibes playlist cover Fee…

grfn Logo Design

#Freelance project#logo#graphic design#Illustrator
grfn logo of a griffin made out of a graph

of a griffin made out of a graph grfn animated logo This logo was created for a software project that executes dependency graphs. The lines and points that make up the griffin image are an …

Isometric Bedroom Design

#Personal project#design#illustration#Illustrator#isometric
Isometric bedroom

This stylized bedroom design was done as a personal project to gain experience creating isometric illustrations. Made with Illustrator

Nutella Amazon Halloween Storefront

#Zucconi Idea Agency#graphic design#consumer packaged goods#Photoshop#Illustrator
Nutella Amazon Halloween Homepage

I designed images for Nutella’s Amazon storefront for the month of October. This project included using product shots and stock photos to create realistic scenes tha…

Coach's Concepts Logo

#Freelance project#logo#graphic design#Illustrator#Photoshop#gif
Coach's Concepts logo

This logo was created for a freelance client for their business, a wellness, psychology and coaching advice website called Coach’s Concepts. I worked with this client on a few d…

CherryPicking Multimedia Story

#Personal project#graphic design#web design#branding#marketing#gif#illustrator#photoshop#html#css#javascript#writing
CherryPicking Story screenshot is a short story that combines web design, branding, graphic design, gifs and storytelling into an eight part story about Mayes’ experience with…

Movie Camera Gif

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#Photoshop#graphic design#gif#Typography
Movie camera gif

This seven panel gif was created using Illustrator and Photoshop.

Ulta Beauty Gender Inequality Campaign

#TCNJ project#Photoshop#graphic design#Conceptual Image#advertising
Ulta Pay Inequality Poster

Ulta Workplace Poster Ulta Household Work Poster Ulta Webpage Ulta Pin This ad campaign, webpage design and pin were designed for Ulta Beauty, in partnership with Equality …

CherryPick Website

#TCNJ project#html#css#web design#javascript#Web I
CherryPick webpage

This webpage was designed as my final for Web I. View the full website here. Made for AAV 255

Wireframe Swap Web Design

#TCNJ project#html#css#web design
Bellini's Pasta Website

This website was wireframed for me to code. View the full webpage here. Made for AAV 255

Instructional Communication: How To Draw An Eye

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#Conceptual Image#graphic design
Instructional Communication

This project was designed to be a set of six instructions with no words. The final product became a play on traditional drawing tutorials—the steps are super simple until …

Academic Papers

#TCNJ project#writing#non-fiction#business

Over the course of my four years at TCNJ, I’ve written papers on a number of topics. My writings have covered courses in Marketing, Management, Economics, Gender and Sexuality, African American Histo…

Web Page Redesign

#TCNJ project#web design#html#css
DM David Website

This was a redesign of an existing website (linked on the site). View the full site here. Made for AAV 255

Madame Astra's Sensational Psychic Shop

#TCNJ project#theatre#writing#play#fiction

Madame Astra’s Sensational Psychic Shop is a one act play thatfollows Hazel and Isaac on their first date to visit a psychic. Isaac couldn’t be more excited to get his future told and potentially fin…


#TCNJ Project#Conceptual Image#Photoshop#greeting card#logo#graphic design
Avocardo greeting card

This is a card mockup for an original greeting card company, Avocardo. For all the cards in this series, I took avocado puns and brought them to life in unique ways to celebrat…

Tomer Aberbach Logo

#Personal project#Illustrator#logo#graphic design
Tomer Aberbach logo

This logo was made for programmer Tomer Aberbach for his website. Made with Illustrator

Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness Redesign

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#poster#logo#CD case#shirt#banner#Conceptual Image
Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness poster

Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness CD case, banner, icon and shirt I redesigned the album artwork for Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness’ debut album and created a…

Custom Ink Sweepstakes Saturday Flyer

#Work project#Illustrator#flyer#retail#marketing
Custom Ink Sweepstakes Saturday Flyer

This was designed for Custom Ink Princeton to promote their recurring Sweepstakes Saturdays events. It was designed according to Custom Ink brand guidelines. Mad…

Custom Ink Warm Up Event Flyer

#Work project#Illustrator#flyer#Custom Ink
Custom Ink flyer

This flyer was designed for Custom Ink Princeton’s January warm up event. It was made according to Custom Ink brand guidelines and displayed around Princeton to promote the event. Ma…

Custom Ink Sweepstakes Box Flyer

#Work project#Illustrator#flyer#retail#marketing
Custom Ink Sweepstakes Flyer

This was designed for Custom Ink Princeton’s January sweepstakes event to be displayed in their sweepstakes box. It was designed according to Custom Ink brand guidelines.…

CherryPick Branding

#Personal project#Illustrator#brand guide#mock-up
CherryPick branding page 1

CherryPick branding page 2 CherryPick branding page 3 These are branding guidelines for a fake dating app, CherryPick. It includes fonts, colors, logo treatment and a mock-…

TCNJ School of Business Instagram Mockup

#TCNJ project#Photoshop#Instagram#social media#Digital Marketing
Instagram mockup for @businesstcnj

Side by side mockup This post was made as apart of a marketing plan for The College of New Jersey School of Business. The bottom image shows a side by side of the o…

United Campaign

#TCNJ project#Photoshop#Advertising#social media
United Facebook mockup

United banner mockup This Facebook post and mobile banner ad were created for United Airlines as apart of an advertising campaign to revamp the company. Made with Photoshop

Why Vote Logo

#Personal project#Illustrator#logo#graphic design
Why Vote?

This logo was designed for a website that helped explain the importance of voting. Made with Illustrator

American Marketing Association Collegiate Shirt Submission

#TCNJ project#American Marketing Association#shirt design#graphic design#Illustrator
AMA timeless beauty of marketing shirt design

This shirt design was created as a part of a contest hosted by the American Marketing Association to highlight their 2018 conference theme, The Timeless …

Tile Commercial Storyboard

#TCNJ project#sketch#Advertising#storyboard
Tile Commercial storyboard

This storyboard was designed for Tile, an electronics company that produces devices to help users find their belongings. Sketched for Advertising (MKT 380)

Prove You're A Taylor Swift Expert By Getting 6/7 On This "Lover" Trivia Quiz

#Buzzfeed#article#pop culture#writing

This is a Buzzfeed quiz with trivia questions about Taylor Swift’s latest album, Lover. This quiz has 63k+ views. To see the full quiz, check it out on Buzzfeed. 1. Which song was not released as a s…

The Monarchs' Children

#Personal project#short story#writing#fiction

“The Monarchs’ Children” is a short story about three siblings: an adventurer, a scholar, and an entertainer. The King and Queen, desperate for one of their children to prove themselves able to run t…

Here Are 6 Things You Definitely Need To Do Before You See "Avengers: Endgame"

#Buzzfeed#article#pop culture#writing

This is a Buzzfeed article highlighting the most recent Avenger’s film, Endgame. The article has 48k+ views. View the full article here. 1. Stay up for the next three days straight and binge every Av…

Fresh Fiction Box Content Marketing Post

#TCNJ project#writing#advertising#content marketing#marketing

The following is a mock blog post written as a content marketing piece. It’s promoting Fresh Fiction Box, a book subscription box. Booked for the Week A Book Review Blog by Jill Marbach This Week’s S…

Ethan Zeigler Logo

#Personal project#Illustrator#graphic design#logo
Ethan Zeigler Logo

Ethan Zeigler Animated Logo This was a logo designed for software engineer Ethan Zeigler. Check out his website here. Made with Illustrator and After Effects

Playthings Magazine

#TCNJ projects#InDesign#Typography#magazine#graphic design#typesetting#theatre
Playthings Cover

Playthings article page 1 Playthings article page 2 This magazine cover and two page article was created for Typography. I created the logo, made the layout, chose the images, and se…

Gotham Font Book and Icons

#TCNJ project#InDesign#Illustrator#Typography#graphic design#type
Gotham book page 1

Gotham book page 2-3 Gotham book page 4-5 Gotham book page 5-6 Gotham book back cover Gotham icons These projects were centered around the font, Gotham, and meant to highlight nota…

John Marbach Electric, Inc. Logo

#Personal project#Illustrator#logo#electrician#graphic design
John Marbach Electric logo

This logo was made for a self-employed electrician to be used on business cards, shirts, and his truck. Made with Illustrator

Mac and Cheese Package Redesign

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#Design Fundamentals#package redesign#graphic design
Mac and cheese packaging design

Mac and cheese packaging photo Mac and cheese packaging photo This project was created as a package redesign for Kraft mac and cheese. I designed and assembled the pac…

Communication with Metaphor

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#Design Fundamentals#project#graphic design
Hair like a lion's mane project

This project was created to convey the metaphor “Hair like a lion’s mane.” Made with Illustrator for Design Fundamentals (AAV 251)

To Do This December: Get a New Logo

#TCNJ project#BB&L#Bull Bear & Lion#article#graphic design#writing

Written for the TCNJ Business newspaper, the Bull, Bear & Lion. View of the full December 2018 edition here. Is there just something in the air? Is it something about the pumpkin spice and falling le…

Communication with Words

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#Design Fundamentals#project
Magic and Sympathetic

This was a project for Design Fundamentals. Students will each be assigned 2 words. Your challenge is to design the word in a way that best expresses its meaning. Select a typef…

Stitches Logo

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#logo
Stitches logo

This logo was designed for TCNJ’s knitting and crocheting club, Stitches. Made with Illustrator

Dorkfest Poster

#Personal project#Illustrator#festival poster#poster#graphic design
Dorkfest poster

This poster was made for a fake music festival, Dorkfest. Made with Illustrator

The Creative Cost

#TCNJ project#BB&L#Bull Bear & Lion#article#marketing#writing

Written for TCNJ’s Business newspaper, The Bull, Bear & Lion. View the full March 2018 edition here. The lack of women in advertising agency leadership roles is no secret. Look at many of the biggest…

Lyneer Staffing Solutions Newsletter Template

#Work project#Illustrator#Lyneer#email newsletter#marketing
Lyneer Link Newsletter

Staffing Scoop Newsletter These are two versions of a newsletter designed during my internship with Lyneer Staffing Solutions. They were designed to be sent out to employees ea…

Business Leaders Talk: Healthcare, Pharma, Biotech

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#American Marketing Association#School of Business#poster
Business Leaders Talk Healthcare poster

This poster was created for TCNJ School of Business’ March Business Leaders Talk. Through the American Marketing Association, I decided posters once a month to…

Medea Snapchat Filter

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#Snapchat#theatre#ACT#social media
Medea Snapchat Filter

This Snapchat filter was created to promote All College Theatre’s production of Medea. It was designed in conjunction with its poster and promotional materials. Made with Illust…

What's Said On Headset Sticker

#Personal project#Illustrator#sticker#Redbubble#theatre
What's said on headset stays on headset sticker

This sticker is available on Redbubble. Check it out here. Made with Illustrator

School of Business Sticker

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#American Marketing Association#sticker#School of Business
School of Business Sticker

These stickers were sold as a fundraiser for TCNJ’s chapter of the American Marketing Association. Made with Illustrator

Business Leaders Talk: Earning It

#TCNJ projects#Illustrator#American Marketing Association#School of Business#poster
Business Leaders Talk Earning It poster

This poster was created for TCNJ School of Business’ November Business Leaders Talk to highlight Joann Lublin’s visit to campus. Through the American Marketing…

English Major Sticker

#Personal project#Illustrator#sticker#graphic design#Redbubble
English major sticker

This English major sticker is sold on my Redbubble page. Check it out here. Made with Illustrator

Is It Time to Move Away from Gendered Marketing?

#TCNJ project#BB&L#Bull Bear & Lion#article#marketing#writing

Written for TCNJ’s Business newspaper, The Bull, Bear & Lion. View the full October 2017 edition here. When it comes to marketing products or services, there is one basic rule every student will come…

The Bull, Bear & Lion Redesign

#TCNJ project#Bull Bear & Lion#BB&L#InDesign#newspaper#graphic design#redesign
BB&L October Edition page 1

BB&L October Edition page 2 I partnered with TCNJ Business newspaper, The Bull, Bear & Lion, to redesign the paper’s layout for its October 2017 Marketing edition. I added…

Business Leaders Talk: Marketing and Media

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#American Marketing Association#School of Business#poster
Business Leaders Talk Marketing and Media poster

This poster was created for TCNJ School of Business’ October Business Leaders Talk. Through the American Marketing Association, I decided posters once…

American Marketing Association T-shirts

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#American Marketing Association#shirt
AMA logo

AMA shirt This design was created for TCNJ’s American Marketing Association’s shirts in 2017. Made with Illustrator

American Marketing Association Chapter Plan

#TCNJ project#American Marketing Association#InDesign#document#graphic design#marketing
AMA Chapter Plan cover

AMA Chapter Plan 2 AMA Chapter Plan 3 AMA Chapter Plan 4 AMA Chapter Plan 5 AMA Chapter Plan 6 AMA Chapter Plan 7 AMA Chapter Plan 8 AMA Chapter Plan 9 AMA Chapter Plan 10 AMA …

I'm Overcompensating Sticker

#Personal project#Illustrator#sticker#Redbubble
I'm overcompensating laptop sticker

This sticker is available on Redbubble. Check it out here. Made with Illustrator

Home Sweet Home Sticker

#Personal project#Illustrator#sticker#Redbubble
Home sweet home dumpster sticker

This sticker is available on Redbubble. Check it out here. Made with Illustrator

Saraaa, Help Me! Sticker

#Personal project#Illustrator#Redbubble#sticker
Saraaaa, help me! Sticker

This sticker is available on Redbubble. Check it out here. Made with Illustrator

College Cuts Snapchat Filter

#TCNJ project#Illustrator#Photoshop#Snapchat#School of Business#social media
College Cuts Snapchat Filter

This is a Snapchat filter designed for College Cuts, a (fake) hair salon that would open on college campuses. Made with Illustrator and Photoshop of BUS 99

The Elephants Recreation

#Personal project#Photoshop#graphic design#digital drawing
The Elephants

This drawing is a digital recreation of Salvador Dali’s The Elephants. Made with Photoshop